Asia News: China, Südkorea, Philippinen, Neuseeland

Mittlerer Abstand

Siming Sun, Internationale Projekte, UMCO-Hamburg - veröffentlicht am 16. Dezember 2019

Mittlerer Abstand

China verbietet Mikroperlen in täglichen chemischen Produkten / Südkorea benennt acht neue giftige Chemikalien / Philippinisches DENR erteilt Auftrag zur Befreiung von PMPIN für Polymer und PLC / ​​​​​​​Neuseeland schlägt die Einführung eines Klassifizierungssystems nach GHS Revision 7 vor


China to Ban Microbeads in Daily Chemical Products

  • China's pending ban on the manufacture and sale of daily chemical products containing microbeads is still subject to further refinement.
  • Many companies that expected the ban have already replaced microbeads with natural abrasives in their products.
  • ...
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South Korea Designates Eight New Toxic Chemicals

  • Eight new substances were listed as toxic chemical substances after hazard evaluation under K-REACH. They are still considered new chemical substances in South Korea and require new chemical registration other than the original registrants.
  • CAS number was updated for one toxic substance that was previously designated.
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Brief on Recent Developments in Thailand’s Hazardous Substance Act

The Philippine DENR specified the criteria and requirements for the exemption of polymers and PLCs from the PMPIN process.

On November 8, 2019, the Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued the Administrative Order for Polymers and Polymer of Low Concern Exemption from the PMPIN Process [1], aiming to grant Pre-Manufacture and Pre-Importation Notification (PMPIN) exemption to importers and manufacturers of polymers and polymers of low concern (PLCs).

Specifically, to be exempt from the PMPIN requirements, polymers should satisfy any of the following requirements:

  • All of its monomers should be listed in the PICCS;
  • The total quantity of monomers and other reactants (including cross linking, chain transfer agents, and post polymerization reactants) which are not listed in the PICCS is less than 2% (by weight)
  • A new polymer if two or more of the top (by weight) monomers are included in the definition of another polymer listed in the PICCS (a new addition compared to the consultation paper)
  • ...
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New Zealand Proposes Adoption of GHS Revision 7 Classification System

  • New Zealand is consulting on the proposed adoption of the GHS Revision 7 classification system, aiming to increase the efficiency of chemical management, and enhance the effectiveness of the HSNO Act.
  • In the consultation notice, the proposed changes in classification are detailed, together with the introduction of GHS 7 and the current HSNO classification framework. An exposure draft of the new Classification Notice has been released for public comments to
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Asia News: China, Südkorea, Philippinen, Neuseeland (Gefahrstoffe, REACH, Netzwerk)

12/19: China verbietet Mikroperlen in täglichen chemischen Produkten / Südkorea benennt acht neue giftige Chemikalien / Philippinisches DENR erteilt Auftrag zur Befreiung von PMPIN für Polymer und PLC / ​​​​​​​Neuseeland schlägt die Einführung eines Klassifizierungssystems nach GHS Revision 7 vor

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