
Asia News 09|22: Indien, China, Korea

Indien: Neue Regeln für die Entsorgung von Batterieabfällen | China: Überarbeitung der nationalen Norm für Verpackungsrecycling-Kennzeichnung | Korea: Aktualisierte Ergebnisse der Gefahrenbewertung von neuen chemischen Stoffen unter K-REACH

2 Min.


India Issues New Battery Waste Management Rules

  • New rules are applicable to all types of batteries irrespective of their shape, volume, chemistry, material composition and uses in India.
  • In light of the popularization of electric vehicles, battery waste has attracted attention from the authority and the industry in India. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India made public the Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the 2022 Rules) in the Official Gazette on August 24, 2022, which came into force immediately.
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China Revises National Standard for Packaging Recycling Marking

  • On July 11, 2022, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and Standardized Administration of China (SAC) jointly published a revised version of National Standard “Packaging Recycling Marking” (GB/T 18455-2022), which will take effect on February 1, 2023.
  • The document specifies the types, basic graphics and marking requirements for packaging recycling marking. It also sets requirements for the dimension, color, number and position of the marking.
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Updated New Chemical Substances Hazard Assessment Results under K-REACH (Updated on Aug.23)

  • On July 22, 2022, South Korea’s National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) issued the NIER Announcement No.2022-317, seeking public comments on the updates of the hazard assessment results of new chemical substances registered under K-REACH. 
  • These registered substances were issued with English chemical name, CAS number., corresponding hazard properties, classification and labeling information, as well as the determination of whether it is classified as toxic chemical substance. The public consultation ended on August 11, 2022.
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Willi Weßelowscky | Experte für Gefahrgut

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Die Durchführung von Projekten im Asiatischen Raum hält oft besondere Herausforderungen parat. Sprachbarrieren, kulturelle Unterschiede, unterschiedliche Rechtsverständnisse und das Fehlen lokaler Netzwerke können komplexe Hindernisse darstellen. Um diesen Herausforderungen erfolgreich zu begegnen, sollten Sie frühzeitig fundiertes Wissen und spezifische lokale Expertise bereit stellen.

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